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1/4比特数 quarter bit number
AGC恢复时间 AGC recovery time
AGC启动时间 AGC attack time
ATM技术 asynchronous transfer technics, 异步转移模式,为多种速率信
GSM 泛欧数字蜂窝移动通信系统
GSM PLMN接入能力 GSM PLMN access capability
GSM PLMN连接类型属性 GSM PLMN connection type attribute
J-K触发器 J-K flip-flop
M-序列 M-sequence
N进制数字信号 n-ary digital system
RS-232总线 RS-232 bus

安全地线 safe ground wire
安全特性 security feature
安装线 hook-up wire
按半周进行的多周期控制 multicycle controlled by half-cycle
按键电话机 push-button telephone set
按需分配多地址 demand assignment multiple access(DAMA)
按要求的电信业务 demand telecommunication service
按组编码 encode by group

八木天线 Yagi antenna
白噪声 white Gaussian noise
白噪声发生器 white noise generator
半波偶极子 halfwave dipole
半导体存储器 semiconductor memory
半导体集成电路 semiconductor integrated circuit
半双工操作 semi-duplex operation
半字节 Nib
包络负反馈 peak envelop negative feed-back
包络延时失真 envelop delay distortion
薄膜 thin film
薄膜混合集成电路 thin film hybrid integrated circuit
保护比(射频) protection ratio (RF)
保护时段 guard period
保密通信 secure communication
报头 header
报文分组 packet
报文优先等级 message priority
报讯 alarm
备用工作方式 spare mode
背景躁声 background noise
倍频 frequency multiplication
倍频程 actave
倍频程滤波器 octave filter
被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification
被呼用户优先 priority for called subscriber
本地PLMN local PLMN
本地交换机 local exchange
本地移动用户身份 local mobile station identity ( LMSI)
本地震荡器 local oscillator
比功率(功率密度) specific power
比特 bit
比特并行 bit parallel
比特号码 bit number (BN)
比特流 bit stream
比特率 bit rate
比特误码率 bit error rate
比特序列独立性 bit sequence independence
必要带宽 necessary bandwidth
闭环电压增益 closed loop voltage gain
闭环控制 closed loop control
闭路电压 closed circuit voltage
边瓣抑制 side lobe suppression
边带 sideband
边带非线性串扰 sideband non-linear crosstalk
边带线性串扰 sideband linear crosstalk
边带抑制度 sideband suppression
边角辐射 boundary radiation
编号制度 numbering plan
编解码器 codec
编码 encode
编码律 encoding law
编码器 encoder
编码器输出 encoder output
编码器总工作时间 encoder overall operate time
编码效率 coding efficiency
编码信号 coded signal
编码约束长度 encoding constraint length
编码增益 coding gain
编译程序 compiler
鞭状天线 whip antenna
变频器 converter
变频损耗 converter conversion loss
变容二极管 variable capacitance diode
变形交替传号反转 modified alternate mark inversion
便携电台 portable station
便携设备 portable equipment
便携式载体设备 portable vehicle equipment
标称调整率(标称塞入率) nominal justification rate (nominal stuffing rate)
标称值 nominal value
标称呼通概率 nominal calling probability
标准码实验信号 standard code test signal (SCTS)
标准模拟天线 standard artificial antenna
标准频率 standard frequency
标准时间信号发射 standard-tim

采样定理 sampling theorem
采样频率 sampling frequency
采样周期 sampling period
参考边带功率 reference side band power
参考差错率 reference error ratio
参考当量 reference equivalent
参考点 reference point
参考结构 reference configuration
参考可用场强 reference usable fiend-strength
参考灵敏度 reference sensibility
参考频率 reference frequency
参考时钟 reference clock
参考输出功率 reference output power
残余边带调制 vestigial sideband modulation
残余边带发射 vestigial-sideband emission
操作维护中心 operation maintenance center (OMC)
操作系统 operation system (OS)
侧音消耗 sidetone loss
层2转发 layer 2 relay (L2R)
插入组装 through hole pachnology
插入损耗 insertion loss
查号台 information desk
差错控制编码 error control coding
差错漏检率 residual error rate
差分脉冲编码调制(差分脉码调制) differential pulse code modulation (DPCM)
差分四相相移键控 differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK)
差分相移键控 differential phase keying (DPSK)
差模电压,平衡电压 differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage
差拍干扰 beat jamming
差频失真 difference frequency distortion
长期抖动指示器 long-term flicker indicator
长期频率稳定度 long-term frequency stability
场强灵敏度 field intensity sensibility
场效应晶体管 field effect transistor (FET)
超长波通信 myriametric wave communication
超地平对流层传播 transhorizon tropospheric
超地平无线接力系统 transhorizon radio-relay system
超高帧 hyperframe
超帧 superframe
超大规模集成电路 very-large scale integrated circuit (VLSI)
超再生接收机 super-regenerator receiver
车载电台 vehicle station
撤消 withdrawal
paired-disparity code (alternative code, alternating code)
承载业务 bearer service
城市交通管制系统 urban traffic control system
程序设计技术 programming technique
程序设计环境 programming environment
程序优化 program optimization
程序指令 program command
充电 charge
充电率 charge rate
充电效率 charge efficiency
充电终止电压 end-of charge voltage
抽样 sampling
抽样率 sample rate
初级分布线路 primary distribution link
初始化 initialization
处理增益 processing gain
传播时延 propagation delay
传播系数 propagation coefficient
传导干扰 conducted interference
传导杂散发射 conducted spurious emission
传递函数 transfer function
传递时间 transfer time
传声器 microphone
传输保密 transmission security
传输层协议 transport layer protocol
传输集群 transmission trunking
传输结束字符 end of transmission character
传输媒体 transmission medium
传输损耗 transmission loss
传输损耗 (无线线路的) transmission loss (of a radio link)
传输通道 transmission path
传输信道 transmission channel
传真 facsimile, FAX
船舶地球站 ship earth station
船舶电台 ship station
船舶移动业务 ship movement service
船上通信电台 on-board communication station ,ship communication station
船用收音机 ship radio
串并变换机 serial to parallel (deserializer)
串并行变换 serial-parallel conversion
串话 crosstalk
垂直方向性图 vertical directivity pattern
唇式传声器 lip microphone
磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding
次级分布线路 secondary distribution link
猝发差错 burst error
猝发点火控制 burst firing control

大规模集成电路 large scale integrated circuit (LSI)
大信号信躁比 signal-to-noise ratio of strong signal
带成功结果的常规操作 normal operation with successful outcome
带宽 bandwidth
带内导频单边带 pilot tone-in-band single sideband
带内谐波 in-band harmonic
带内信令 in-band signalling
带内躁声 in-band noise
带通滤波器 band-pass filter
带外发射 out-of-band emission
带外功率 out-of-band power
带外衰减 attenuation outside a channel
带外信令 out-band signalling
带状线 stripline
单边带发射 single sideband (SSB) emission
单边带发射机 single side-band (SSB) transmitter
单边带调制 single side band modulation
单边带解调 single side band demodulation
单边带信号发生器 single side band signal generaltor
单端同步 single-ended synchronization
单工、双半工 simplex, halfduplex
单工操作 simplex operation
单工无线电话机 simplex radio telephone
单呼 single call
单频双工 single frequency duplex
单频信令 single frequency signalling
单相对称控制 symmetrical control (single phase)
单相非对称控制 asymmetrical control (single phase)
单向 one-way
单向的 unidirectional
单向控制 unidirectional control
单信道地面和机载无线电分系统 SINCGARS
单信道无绳电话机 single channel cordless telephone
单信号方法 single-signal method
单音 tone
单音脉冲 tone pulse
单音脉冲持续时间 tone pulse duration
单音脉冲的单音频率 tone frequency of tone pulse
单音脉冲上升时间 tone pulse rise time
单音脉冲下降时间 tone pulse decay time
单音制 individual tone system
单元电缆段(中继段) elementary cable section (repeater section)
单元再生段 elementary regenerator section (regenerator section)
单元增音段,单元中继段 elementary repeater section
当被呼移动用户不回答时的呼叫转移 call forwarding on no reply (CFNRy)
当被呼移动用户忙时的呼叫转 calling forwarding on mobile subscriber busy (CFB)
当漫游到原籍PLMN国家以外时禁止所有入呼 barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BIC-Roam)
当前服务的基站 current serving BS
calling forward on mobile subscriber not reachable (CENRc)
刀型天线 blade antenna
导频 pilot frequency
导频跌落pilot fall down
倒L型天线 inverted-L antenna
等步的 isochronous
等幅电报 continuous wave telegraph
等权网(互同步网) democratic network (mutually synchronized network)
等效比特率 equivalent bit rate
等效地球半径 equivalent earth radius
等效二进制数 equivalent binary content
等效全向辐射功率 equivalent isotropically radiated power (e. i. r. p.)
等效卫星线路躁声温度 equivalent satellite link noise temperature
低轨道卫星系统 LEO satellite mobile communication system
低气压实验 low atmospheric pressure test
低时延码激励线性预测编码 low delay CELP (LD-CELP)
低通滤波器 low pass filter
低温实验 low temperature test
低躁声放大器 low noise amplifier
地-空路径传播 earth-space path propagation
地-空通信设备 ground/air communication equipment
地波 ground wave
地面连线用户 land line subscriber
地面无线电通信 terrestrial radio communication
地面站(电台) terrestrial station
第N次谐波比 nth harmonic ratio
第二代无绳电话系统 cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2)
第三代移动通信系统 third generation mobile systems
点波束天线 spot beam antenna电报 telegraphy
电报电码 telegraph code
电波衰落 radio wave fading
电池功率 power of battery
电池能量 energy capacity of battery
电池容量 battery capacity
电池组 battery
电磁波 electromagnetic wave
电磁波反射 reflection of electromagnetic wave
电磁波饶射 diffraction of electromagnetic wave
电磁波散射 scattering of electromagnetic wave
电磁波色射 dispersion of electromagnetic wave
电磁波吸收 absorption of electromagnetic wave
电磁波折射 refraction of electromagnetic wave
电磁场 electromagnetic field
电磁发射 electromagnetic field
电磁辐射 electromagnetic emission
电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference (EMI)
电磁感应 electromagnetic induction
电磁环境 electromagnetic environment
电磁兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
电磁兼容性电平 electromagnetic compatibility level
电磁兼容性余量 electromagnetic compatibility margin
电磁脉冲 electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
电磁脉冲干扰 electromagnetic pulse jamming
电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility
电磁能 electromagnetic energy
电磁耦合 electromagnetic coupling
电磁屏蔽 electromagnetic shielding
电磁屏蔽装置 electromagnetic screen
电磁骚扰 electromagnetic disturbance
电磁噪声 electromagnetic noise
电磁污染 electromagnetic pollution
电动势 electromotive force (e. m. f.)
电话机 telephone set
电话局容量 capacity of telephone exchange
电话型电路 telephone-type circuit
电话型信道 telephone-type channel
电离层 ionosphere
电离层波 ionosphere wave
电离层传播 ionosphere propagation
电离层反射 ionosphere reflection
电离层反射传播 ionosphere reflection propagation
电离层散射传播 ionosphere scatter propagation
电离层折射 ionosphere refraction
电离层吸收 ionosphere absorption
电离层骚扰 ionosphere disturbance
电流探头 current probe
电路交换 circuit switching
电屏蔽 electric shielding
电视电话 video-telephone, viewphone, visual telephone
电台磁方位 magnetic bearing of station
电台方位 bearing of station
电台航向 heading of station
电文编号 message numbering
电文队列 message queue
电文格式 message format
电文交换 message switching
电文交换网络 message switching network
电文结束代码 end-of-message code
电文路由选择 message routing
电小天线 electronically small antenna
电信管理网络 telecommunication management network (TMN)
电信会议 teleconferencing
电压变化 voltage change
电压变化持续时间 duration of a voltage change
电压变化的发生率 rate of occurrence of voltage changes
电压变化时间间隔 voltage change interval
电压波动 voltage fluctuation
电压波动波形 voltage fluctuation waveform
电压波动量 magnitude of a voltage fluctuation
电压不平衡 voltage imbalance, voltage unbalance
电压浪涌 voltage surge
电压骤降 voltage dip
电源 power supply
电源电压调整率 line regulation
电源抗扰性 mains immunity
电源持续工作能力 continuous operation ability of the power supply
电源去耦系数 mains decoupling factor
电源骚扰 mains disturbance
电子干扰 electronic jamming
电子工业协会 Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
电子系统工程 electronic system engineering
电子自动调谐 electronic automatic tuning
电子组装 electronic packaging
电阻温度计 resistance thermometer
跌落试验 fall down test
顶部加载垂直天线 top-loaded vertical antenna
定长编码 block code
多次调制 multiple modulation
多点接入 multipoint access
多电平正交调幅 multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
多分转站网 multidrop network
多服务器队列 multiserver queue
多工 multiplexing
多工器 nultiplexer
多功能系统 MRS
多级处理 multilevel processing
多级互连网络 multistage interconnecting network
多级卫星线路 multi-satellite link
多径 multipath
多径传播 multipath propagation
多径传播函数 nultipath propagation function
多径分集 multipath diversity
多径时延 multipath delay
多径衰落 multipath fading
多径效应 multipath effect
多路复接 multiplexing
多路接入 multiple access
多路信道 multiplexor channel
多脉冲线性预测编码 multi-pulse LPC (MPLC)
多频信令 multifrequency signalling
多普勒频移 Doppler shift
多跳路径 multihop path
多信道选取 multichannel access (MCA)
multiple-channel mobile communication system with automatic dialing
多优先级 multiple priority levels
多帧 multiframe
多址呼叫 multiaddress call
多址联接 multiple access
多重时帧 multiple timeframe
多用户信道 multi-user channel

额定带宽 rated bandwidth
额定射频输出功率 rated radio frequency output power
额定使用范围 rated operating range
额定音频输出功率 rated audio-frequency output power
额定值 rated value
爱尔兰 erlang
恶意呼叫识别 malicious call identification (MCI)
耳机(受话器) earphone
耳机额定阻抗 rated impedance of earphone
二十进制码 binary-coded decimal (BCD) code
二十进制转换 binary-to-decimal conversion
二十六进制转换 binary-to-hexadecimal conversion
二进制码 binary code
二进制频移键控 binary frequency shift keying (BFSK)
二进制数 binary figure
二频制位 binary digit(bit)
二频制 two-frequency system
二维奇偶验码 horizontal and vertical parity check code
二线制 two-wire system
二相差分相移键控 binary different phase shift keying (BDPSK)
二相相移键控 binary phase shift keying (BPSK)

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