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Xilinx 公司的Virtex-5 FPGA是功能强大的FPGA,采用第二代ASMBL列架构,包含有LX, LXT, SXT, TXT和FXT五个平台.每个平台有不同的特性,以满足不同的应用如数据传输和处理,数字视频,嵌入式微处理器,总线接口以及高速设计应用.而ML501评估平台采用 Virtex-5 XC5VLX50-1FFG676 FPGA为主要开发器件.本文介绍了Virtex-5 FPGA 的主要特性以及Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台主要特性和方框图,电源方框图和评估板详细电路图.

Markets: Industrial, Telecom / Datacom, Medical, Military / Aerospace

Applications: Data Transmission and Manipulation, Digital Video, Embedded Microprocessor, Bus Interface, High Speed Design

The Virtex-5 family provides the newest most powerful features in the FPGA market. Using the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the Virtex-5 family contains five distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice offered by any FPGA family. Each platform contains a different ratio of features to address the needs of a wide variety of advanced logic designs. In addition to the most advanced, high-performance logic fabric, Virtex-5 FPGAs contain many hard-IP system level blocks, including powerful 36-Kbit block RAM/FIFOs, second generation 25 x 18 DSP slices, SelectIO technology with built-in digitallycontrolledimpedance, ChipSync source-synchronous interface blocks, system monitor functionality, enhanced clock management tiles with integratedDCM(Digital Clock Managers) and phase-locked-loop (PLL) clock generators, and advanced configuration options.

Additional platform dependant features include power-optimized high-speed serial transceiver blocks for enhanced serial connectivity, PCI Express compliant integrated Endpoint blocks, tri-mode Ethernet MACs (Media Access Controllers), and high-performance PowerPC 440 microprocessor embedded blocks. These features allow advanced logic designers to build the highest levels of performance and functionality into their FPGA-based systems. Built on a 65-nm state-of-the-art copper process technology, Virtex-5 FPGAs are a programmable alternative to custom ASIC technology. Most advanced system designs require the programmable strength of FPGAs. Virtex-5 FPGAs offer the best solution for addressing the needs of high-performance logic designers, high-performance DSP designers, and high-performance embedded systems designers with unprecedented logic, DSP, hard/soft microprocessor, and connectivity capabilities. The Virtex-5 LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT platforms include advanced high-speed serial connectivity and link/transaction layer capability.

Virtex-5 FPGA主要特性:

Summary of Virtex-5 FPGA Features

Five platforms LX, LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT

Virtex-5 LX: High-performance general logic applications

Virtex-5 LXT: High-performance logic with advanced serial connectivity

Virtex-5 SXT: High-performance signal processing applications with advanced serial connectivity

Virtex-5 TXT: High-performance systems with double density advanced serial connectivity

Virtex-5 FXT: High-performance embedded systems with advanced serial connectivity

Cross-platform compatibility

LXT, SXT, and FXT devices are footprint compatible in the same package using adjustable voltageregulators

Most advanced, high-performance, optimal-utilization, FPGA fabric

Real 6-input look-up table (LUT) technology

Dual5-LUT option

Improved reduced-hoprouting

64-bit distributed RAM option

SRL32/Dual SRL16 option

Powerful clock management tile (CMT) clocking

Digital Clock Manager (DCM) blocks for zero delay buffering, frequency synthesis, and clock phase shifting

PLL blocks for input jitter filtering, zero delay buffering, frequency synthesis, and phase-matched clock division

36-Kbit block RAM/FIFOs

True dual-port RAM blocks

Enhanced optional programmable FIFO logic


True dual-port widths up to x36

Simple dual-port widths up to x72

Built-in optional error-correction circuitry

Optionally program each block as two independent 18-Kbit blocks

High-performance parallel SelectIO technology

1.2 to 3.3V I/O Operation

Source-synchronous interfacing using ChipSync technology

Digitally-controlled impedance (DCI) active termination

Flexible fine-grained I/O banking

High-speed memory interface support

Advanced DSP48E slices

25 x 18, two’s complement, multiplication

Optional adder, subtracter, and accumulator

Optional pipelining

Optional bitwise logical functionality

Dedicated cascade connections

Flexible configuration options

SPIand ParallelFLASHinterface

Multi-bitstream support with dedicated fallback reconfiguration logic

Auto bus width detection capability

System Monitoring capability on all devices

On-chip/Off-chip thermal monitoring

On-chip/Off-chip power supply monitoring

JTAG access to all monitored quantities

Integrated Endpoint blocks for PCI Express Designs

LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT Platforms

Compliant with the PCI Express Base Specification 1.1

x1, x4, or x8 lane support per block

Works in conjunction with RocketIO" transceivers

Tri-mode 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet MACs

LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT Platforms

RocketIO transceivers can be used as PHY or connect to external PHY using many soft MII (Media Independent

Interface) options

RocketIO GTP transceivers 100 Mb/s to 3.75 Gb/s

LXT and SXT Platforms

RocketIO GTX transceivers150 Mb/s to 6.5 Gb/s

TXT and FXT Platforms

PowerPC 440 Microprocessors

FXT Platform only

RISC architecture

7-stage pipeline

32-Kbyte instruction and data caches included

Optimized processor interface structure (crossbar)

65-nm copper CMOS process technology

1.0V core voltage

High signal-integrity flip-chip packaging available in standard or Pb-free package options


The ML501 Evaluation Platform enables designers to investigate and experiment with

features of Virtex-5 LX FPGAs.

ML501 is a feature-rich and low-cost evaluation/development platform which provides easy and practical access to resources available in the on-board Virtex®-5 LX50 FPGA device. Supported by industry standard interfaces and connectors, ML501 is a versatile development platform for multiple applications. The video, audio, and communication ports along with generous memory resources extend the functionality and flexibility of the ML501 beyond a typical FPGA development platform.

Whats Included

ML501 Platform

DVI adapter

CompactFlash Card

Development tools and PC download cable are not included and must be ordered separately


Key Features

Virtex-5 XC5VLX50-1FFG676 FPGA

64-bit DDR2 small outline DIMM (SODIMM), compatible with EDK supported IP and

software drivers

Programmable system clock generator chip

One differential clock input pair and differential clock output pair with SMA connectors

3.3V clock oscillator socket populated with a 100-MHz oscillator

General purpose DIP switches, LEDs, and pushbuttons

Expansion header with 32 single-ended I/O, 16 LVDS capable differential pairs,

14 spare I/Os shared with buttons and LEDs, power, JTAG chain expansion capability, and IIC bus expansion

Stereo AC97 audio codec with line-in, line-out, 50-mW headphone, microphone-in jacks, and SPDIF digital audio jacks

RS-232serial port

16-character x 2-line LCD display


DVI video connector (VGAsupported with included adapter)

PS/2 mouse and keyboard connectors

System ACE CompactFlash configuration controller with Type I CompactFlash connector

ZBT synchronous SRAM, 9 Mb on 32-bit data bus with four parity bits

Intel P30 StrataFlash linear flash chips (32 MB)

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Flash (2 MB)

10/100/1000 tri-speed Ethernet PHY transceiver

USB interface chip with host and peripheral ports

Piezo audio transducer

Rechargeable lithium battery to hold FPGA encryption keys

Xilinx XC95144XL CPLD for glue logic

Xilinx XCF32P Platform Flash PROM configuration storage device

JTAG configuration port for use with Parallel Cable III, Parallel Cable IV, or Platform USB download cable

Onboard power supplies for all necessary voltages

Temperature and voltage monitoring chip with fan controller

5V @ 3A AC adapter

Power indicator LED

System monitor


Targeted Applications

Markets: Industrial, Telecom / Datacom, Medical, Military / Aerospace

Applications: Data Transmission and Manipulation, Digital Video, Embedded Microprocessor, Bus Interface, High Speed Design

图1.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台方框图

图2.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台外形图

Detailed Description of Virtex-5 FPGA ML501 Evaluation Platform Components

图3.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电源方框图

图4.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(1)

图5.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(2)

图6.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(3)

图7.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(4)

图8.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(5)

图9.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(6)

图10.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(7)

图11.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(8)

12.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(9)

图13.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(10)

图14.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(11)

图15.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(12)

图16.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(13)

图17.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(14)

图18.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(15)

图19.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(16)

图20.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(17)

图21.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(18)

图22.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(19)

图23.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(20)

图24.Virtex-5 FPGA ML501评估平台电路图(21)





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