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                图1  引脚功能


Supply Voltage 电源电压7VInput Voltage输入电压7VOperating Free Air Temperature Range自由空气温度范围0℃ to +70℃Storage Temperature Range储存温度范围-65℃ to +150℃

Recommended Operating Conditions建议操作条件 Symbol 符号Parameter 参数最小典型最大UNIT 单位VCCSupply Voltage 电源电压4.7555.25VVT+Positive-Going Input Threshold Voltage 正向输入阈值电压(Note 2) Input Threshold Voltage 反向输入阈值电压(Note 2)0.50.81VHYSInput Hysteresis 输入滞后(Note 2)0.40.8-VIOHHIGH Level Output Current高电平输出电流---0.4mAIOLLOW Level Output Current低电平输出电流--8mATAFree Air Operating Temperature工作温度0-70Note 2: VCC = 5V.

Electrical Characteristics 电气特性over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Symbol 符号Parameter 参数Conditions 条件最小典型最大UNIT 单位VIInput Clamp Voltage输入钳位电压VCC = 最小, II = -18mA---1.5VVOHHIGH Level Output Voltage输出高电平电压VCC=最小,IOH=最大 VIL=最大2.73.4-VVOLLOW Level输出低电平电压VCC = 最小, IOL = 最大-0.350.5--Output Voltage输出电压VIH = 最小---VVCC = 最小, IOL = 4mA-0.250.4IT+Input Current at Positive-Going Threshold 正向阈值输入电流VCC = 5V, VI = VT+--0.14-mAIT-Input Current at Negative-Going Threshold反向阈值输入电流VCC = 5V, VI = VT---0.18-mAIIInput Current @ MAX Input Voltage输入电流@最大输入电压VCC = 最大, VI = 7V--0.1mAIIHHIGH Level Input Current输入高电平电流VCC = 最大, VI = 2.7V--20μAIILLOW Level Input Current输入低电平电流VCC = 最大, VI = 0.4V---0.4mAIOSShort Circuit Output Current短路输出电流VCC = 最大 (Note 4)-20--100mAICCHSupply Current with Out puts HIGH高电平输出电源电流VCC = 最大-8.616mAICCLSupply Current with Outputs LOW低电平输出电源电流VCC = 最大-1221mANote 3:  VCC = 5V, TA = 25℃.Note 4: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and the duration should not exceed one second.

Switching Characteristics开关特性 at VCC = 5V and TA = 25

Switching Characteristics开关特性at VCC = 5V and TA = 25℃Symbol 符号

Parameter 参数

RL = 2kΩ UNIT 单位CL = 15pFCL = 50pF最小最大最小最大tPLHPropagation Delay Time LOW-to-HIGH Level Output低到高电平输出传递延迟时间522825nstPHLPropagation Delay Time HIGH-to-LOW Level Output高到低电平输出传递延迟时间5221033ns


                    图2 光电藕合器接收整形电路

                                      图3  方波振荡器

 LC864512—5C77/N801 LA7687A(N201) LA4285(N

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